Phd, Assistant Professor
LMU Munich

Chair of International Economics,
LMU Munich,
Room 223, Ludwigstr. 28, Front Building
80539 Munich, Germany
LMU Munich:
Last available evaluation score in bracket (5-Bad; 1-Good).
Empirical Issues in Trade - MSc, PhD - Fall 2020:present. Course Outline Summer 2025: Available from February 2025.
Advanced International Trade - MSc, PhD - Summer 2020:present (1.8). Course Outline Summer 2023: Available from February 2025.
Supervision Bachelor Thesis: Get in touch with Jonas Casper to get allocated to a supervisor in the chair.
Please note: the next available slot to start writing the Bachelor Thesis with us is April 2025.
Here is the list of Bachelor theses I supervised.
Supervision Master Thesis: Get in touch at least two months before the intended beginning of the writing period.
New: There will be a meeting at the beginning of each semester with the students who will be writing their thesis in the following semester. Next meeting is in April 2025, get in touch for more information.
Here is the list of Master theses I supervised.
​University of Nottingham:
Evaluation score in bracket (5-Good; 1-Bad). Here is the students' feedback
Growth and Development in a Long-Run Historical Perspective (BSc, 4.32) - Fall 2018
Teaching Assistant
Evaluation score in bracket (5-Bad; 1-Good). Here is the students' feedback for the period 2015-2019
University of Nottingham:
Economics Dissertations (1.1), Supervisor for 15 Bachelor students - A.Y. 2018/2019​
Advanced International Trade Theory (1), Lecturer: Giammario Impullitti - Spring 2019
Applied Econometrics II, Lecturer: Markus Eberhardt - Spring 2019
International Trade Policy, Lecurer: Facundo Albornoz, Giovanni Facchini - Fall 2018
Economic Integration (1.8), Lecturer: Maria Garcia- Vega - Spring 2017
Quantitative Economics III (1 ; 1), Lecturer: Abigail Barr - Fall 2016, 2017
Quantitative Economics II (1.2), Lecturer: Fabrice Defever - Spring 2016
Growth and Development in a Long-Run Historical Perspective (1.3 ; 1.1), Lecturer: Roberto Bonfatti - Fall 2015, 2018
Mathematical Economics (1.9), Lecturer: Matthias Dahm - Fall 2015
Politecnico di Milano:
International Economics (N/A), Lecturer: Lucia Tajoli - Spring 2013